Thursday, January 21, 2010


A tornado threaded the needle between us and downtown Huntsville about an hour ago.  We are fine.  I knew there was a tornado watch out, so I had been monitoring the weather radar during the afternoon, but I had decided that the threat was over around 4:00pm.  Then the weather radio started blaring, and the tornado siren went off.  I high tailed it down the hall to the radio and flipped the TV station to watch Dan Satterfield on channel 19, but the channel was black.  I then switched to the Weather Channel and saw words on the bottom of the screen that indicated that it really might be headed our way.  I yelled to the girls to get in the bathroom.  After running to the windows to see if there really seemed to be an imminent threat (all the clouds were in the distance and the sun was perfectly visible here), I then tried channel 19 again to find that it was indeed back on the air.  I then saw an incredible sight:  A tornado hanging above Huntsville, live on the Saturn V Rocket Cam.  It looked white compared to the black clouds behind it.  Those black clouds proved to be between our house and the tornado.  Since I had determined from Dan's excellent coverage that we were not going to be hit by this storm, I then called the girls in to watch the spectacle.  As of now the news is reporting that it might have been an F1 or F2.  Damage reports are coming in, but there are no reports of serious injury at this time.  A January tornado on live TV, wow!  I hope and pray that no one has been hurt.

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