Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeling Better

Things have been either very busy or I just have not felt up to writing for a while.  I guess both are true. 

This past week Mike went on his first business trip in about ten years.  The last time he was away, it was to interview for a job in Atlanta in the summer of 2000.  I take that back.  He did spend two weeks working here in Huntsville before we were able to join him in July of 2005.  I guess that counts too.  I have to admit that I am grateful that he does not have a "traveling" job in general.  Many of my friends have husbands who must travel a great deal.  It is not fun being a "single" parent for anyone, so I have to admire those who must do it often. 

I came down with some sort of virus on Saturday before he left.  I assumed I would feel better after a couple of days, but that did not happen.  It was actually a good thing that we got "snowed in" on Monday and Tuesday.  I really did not feel well enough to venture out to take Lainey to all of her activities.  Finally on Wednesday I dropped the girls off with a dear friend whose children had to be at the same places and I went to the doctor.  He gave me two prescriptions and some samples.  Finally this afternoon I am feeling much better (Thank you, Z-Pack!).  Until now, it was all I could do just to get through school with the girls.  Mike is due home in a half an hour, so I guess it is good timing.  :-)

Tomorrow is going to be hectic.  I have to be at a missions program with the girls at 8:15am.  We will be working/attending until 2:00pm, only to then hightail it to Kid's Market to work for another three hours.  Kid's Market is a biannual consignment sale.  Lainey, Mike and I work 28 hours combined during the sale, so that Lainey and I can shop the worker's sale.  The full time workers get to shop first, so we get the best deals.  It has saved me hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in the past four years on children's clothing enabling my children to actually have something decent to wear on most days.  Without it, I am not sure how I could have clothed them at all.  I guarantee those hundreds (or thousands) of dollars were not available for my use.  All I can say about tomorrow is, it is a good thing that I am feeling better.

I have been wanting to post a new recipe on here since I made it up a few weeks ago, but every time I have thought of it, I have just not had the energy to do it.  I am going to make the recipe again for supper to try to perfect it.  If it works, I hope to post it.  We are calling it Sloppy Spaghetti Casserole.  I might even take a photo.  For now though, I have to brown some ground round.  :-)

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